Over 25 years ago artistic makeover guru Matthew John of Matthew John Hair Salon coined the phrase "Modern Classic." Ever since, beautiful woman have faithfully sought his incredible eye and expert advice.
Here Polo Jean-louis, LCSW of the Polo Jean-Louis, Boutique Therapy Agency allows us to get to know his causal side, dreams, and interests.
Kind people.
Moments when my mind is at peace.
Lobstering developed my biggest asset. I have incredibly strong intuition.
I'd love to speak other languages.
The world would be free of substance abuse, no animal would be treated cruelly, and the oceans would be forever free of pollution.
My brother-in-law Sam... one day I was bragging to him how successful I was as a lobsterman compared to other fisherman... and Sam asked me 'Why are you comparing yourself with them?' That one sentence changed my life. From then on, I've always thought outside the box.
Frederic Fekkai. This is a man who has an eye for beauty.
To publish my memoir.
I wished I had gone to the Italian Riviera when I was 18 to work as a waiter and have fun instead of working 7 days a week.
I have had many animals in my life... I've always questioned, did I put them down at the best time.
For over 11 years Polo has been working in the gritty front lines of social work tackling homelessness, mental illness, addiction, human abuse, and other serious life issues.
Visit the Polo Jean-Louis Website